MONDAY 30th AUGUST 11:00 AM AEST Livestream
The End of Questions

Gabe Lyons

Rebekah Lyons
Gabe & Rebekah Lyons are Directors of US-based Christian media organisation Q-Ideas ; helping people consider how to stay curious, think well and advance good. In the midst of a global pandemic with increasing racial tensions, political unrest and a cultural redefining that challenge our understanding of gender and sexual ethics, Q recently presented their annual conference seeing over 10,000 participate in the event. Gabe and Rebekah will help us consider when it is appropriate to enter into the debates of our time, and when to remain silent. They will also provide some helpful insights in how Christian communicators can engage well.
This session is brought to you with thanks to CBM

Ps Kiran Skariah
To say the world of online gaming is booming is a significant understatement. This new media world is a series of interactive communities that crosses the boundaries of generation, culture, ethnicity and religion. Pastor Skar will share the reasons why he believes the growth of his online community has exploded, the opportunities that present and the principles that any community building organisation can apply to see growth.
This session is brought to you with thanks to JerseyRoad PR
Monday 30th August 11:00am AEST
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TUESDAY 31st AUGUST 11:00am AEST Livestream
Propaganda Spoken Word Performance & Interview

Andy Crouch
Come on an exploration of the truth of beauty in a series of live and interactive conversations with Andy Crouch, including:
-Where Christian culture making goes wrong. Have our efforts to create meaningful communication fallen short?
-Why art is not useful and essential at the same time.
-Spiritual practices for public people.
-Living tech-wise when your whole job is online.
-The disciplines of a creative life…and what ‘not’ to do!
Perhaps Albert Einstein said it best. “The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.” This is one of those moments you won’t want to miss.
-Where Christian culture making goes wrong. Have our efforts to create meaningful communication fallen short?
-Why art is not useful and essential at the same time.
-Spiritual practices for public people.
-Living tech-wise when your whole job is online.
-The disciplines of a creative life…and what ‘not’ to do!
Perhaps Albert Einstein said it best. “The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.” This is one of those moments you won’t want to miss.
This session is brought to you with thanks to ACCTV

Rachael Lopez
In 2020, Rachael Lopez pushed ahead in her dream to launch a beautifully designed, quarterly print-only magazine exploring faith from an Aussie perspective. Soul Tread Magazine went to print in the end of 2020 after a successful kickstarter campaign. Rachael will share her insights and learnings as she followed her dream to become a reality. Nearly 12 months in we catch up with Rachael to understand more about what is drawing readers away from the screen and back to the tactile.
This session is brought to you with thanks to Watoto
Tuesday 31st August 11:00am AEST
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WEDNESDAY 1st SEPTEMBER 11:00am AEST Livestream
Your Audience is Falling for Conspiracy Theories. Here's How to Help Them.

Sheridan Voysey
From Flat Earth to QAnon to the Covid pandemic being a 'hoax'; conspiracy theories of all kinds are running rampant right now, dividing families and churches, and putting lives at risk. In this engaging session Sheridan will explore why conspiracy theories are so powerful, the seven traits that define them, and how Christian communicators and content creators can combat them with credibility and integrity.
Join Anita Savage, John Sandeman, Luke Weston, and David Robertson for a live Q&A following Sheridan's session.
Join Anita Savage, John Sandeman, Luke Weston, and David Robertson for a live Q&A following Sheridan's session.
This session is brought to you with thanks to World Vision

Ash Belsar

Woke Jesus
Woke Jesus is the latest Christian Satirical offering from The Damascus Drop Bear helping Christians to laugh, pause and then think more deeply about issues of our times and culture.
The Damascus Dropbear was discovered in June 2020, deep in the Australian bush. Since entering Australian society and cultural life it has developed a taste for politics, idols (inside and outside the church), and macadamia nuts.
The Dropbear will be presented alongside one of its handlers, Ash Belsar, one of the original rangers to capture the bear and bring it to the mainland.
The Damascus Dropbear was discovered in June 2020, deep in the Australian bush. Since entering Australian society and cultural life it has developed a taste for politics, idols (inside and outside the church), and macadamia nuts.
The Dropbear will be presented alongside one of its handlers, Ash Belsar, one of the original rangers to capture the bear and bring it to the mainland.
This session is brought to you with thanks to Broadcast Components
Wednesday 1st September 11:00am AEST
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THURSDAY 2nd SEPTEMBER 11:00am AEST Livestream
Future Trends

Four exciting presentations about the future trends. Ashley Fell: Trends impacting the future of culture. Dave Adamson: The rules of online engagement are forever changing. Stu Cranney: Siri saved me! Katherine Raskob: The Future of Giving
This session is brought to you with thanks to Angela Williams

Mike Pritchet
Shootsta is one of Australia's fastest growing tech companies continuing to disrupt the video production industry by combining tools, technology, education and expertise to simplify the video production process - enabling people everywhere to make quality video content at scale, ready to share in just 24 hours.
CEO, Mike Pritchett shares the learnings of a start up and intense innovation timeframes.
This session is brought to you with thanks to Christianity Works
Thursday 2nd September 11:00am AEST
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FRIDAY 3nd SEPTEMBER 11:00am AEST Livestream
An Honest Conversation

We live in a media saturated world. And if there is one thing Covid has taught the Church; the future of the Church and Charity must be media connected. But what is the role Christian Media should play for the future, and what kind of Christian Media is vital?
Part 1: An honest Conversation with Ministry Leaders

Daniel Wordsworth

Clare Steele

Jane Edge

James Toomey
Part 2: An honest conversation with Church leaders

Monica Doumit

Ps William Dumas

Ps Wayne Alcorn

Father Abdelmalek
This session is brought to you with thanks to Excelsia College
Friday 3rd September 11:00am AEST
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FRIDAY 3rd SEPTEMBER 1:00pm AEST Livestream

Dave Adamson & Jo Bouris host the Excellence in Media awards LIVE!
The Excellence in Media Awards acknowledges the vision, passion, skill and effort of people and organisations seeking to share the hope of Jesus through media and the arts. The awards provide the opportunity to showcase and honour God’s provision and encouragement as we celebrate the stories and remarkable successes of those working in media and the arts.
The Excellence in Media Awards acknowledges the vision, passion, skill and effort of people and organisations seeking to share the hope of Jesus through media and the arts. The awards provide the opportunity to showcase and honour God’s provision and encouragement as we celebrate the stories and remarkable successes of those working in media and the arts.
This session is brought to you with thanks to CBM
Cash and Prizes provided to winners to the value of $15,000 thanks to Broadcast Components and Australian Opal Cutters and Pearl Divers
Cash and Prizes provided to winners to the value of $15,000 thanks to Broadcast Components and Australian Opal Cutters and Pearl Divers
Friday 3rd September 1:00pm AEST
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