CONNECT21 Tuesday Replay

The Truth of Beauty

Andy Crouch

Come on an exploration of the truth of beauty in a series of live and interactive conversations with Andy Crouch, including: Where Christian culture making goes wrong. Have our efforts to create meaningful communication fallen short? Why art is not useful and essential at the same time. Spiritual practices for public people. Living tech-wise when your whole job is online. The disciplines of a creative life…and what ‘not’ to do!
Beyond the horizon- Pivots and Disruptors - Innovating print in a digital age

Rachael Lopez

In 2020, Rachael Lopez pushed ahead in her dream to launch a beautifully designed, quarterly print-only magazine exploring faith from an Aussie perspective. Soul Tread Magazine went to print in the end of 2020 after a successful kickstarter campaign. Rachael will share her insights and learnings as she followed her dream to become a reality. Nearly 12 months in we catch up with Rachael to understand more about what is drawing readers away from the screen and back to the tactile.


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