Why Your Audience is Falling for Conspiracy Theories (and What to do About it)

Featuring Sheridan Voysey

Day 3 - Wednesday 1 September - Featuring Sheridan Voysey - Presented with thanks to CBM

QAnon/Trump, Flat earth, Covid: Conspiracy theories have proliferated on these and other themes in recent years. Conspiracy theories are tearing families apart, have left people vulnerable to Covid, and are bringing the Gospel into disrepute. Given the trust our audience place in us, it’s important Christian broadcasters and content creators help stem the trend.

Welcome to Connect Media & Arts Experience 2021!

Day 3 - Wednesday 1 September - Featuring Sheridan Voysey - Presented with thanks to CBM

QAnon/Trump, Flat earth, Covid: Conspiracy theories have proliferated on these and other themes in recent years. Conspiracy theories are tearing families apart, have left people vulnerable to Covid, and are bringing the Gospel into disrepute. Given the trust our audience place in us, it’s important Christian broadcasters and content creators help stem the trend.


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