In addition to some free services, Membership of CMAA entitles you access to a range of additional services including webinars, training, policy templates, strategic planning, governance and grant review support, unique content services and much, much more. Visit the Membership Section for more details.

Australian Fundraising Requirements
A guide for not-for-profits and charities on fundraising compliance in each State and Territory.

Members Only
Policy and Job Description Portal
Created with CMAA Members in mind - this Portal allows you to find Best Practice policies and job descriptions for your organisation.

Showcasing Music Artists
Activities that foster the talent and content creation of Christian Music Artists, and highlight their work to the wider industry.

Members Only
RightNow Media @ Work
Members - enjoy your FREE RightNow Media @ Work Subscriptions for every phase of professional and personal life.

We Are Accredited!
CMAA has CMA Standards Council Accreditation - providing a valuable endorsement for governance, stewardship and accountability.

Members Only
Member Webinars
The aim is to help your staff and volunteers in their current roles and empower them for the future.

Members Only
Digital Resources
Providing members with free high quality syndicated website and social content.

On Demand: CONNECT
Members enjoy the opportunity to watch content from previous year's CONNECT Conferences for free here online.

Members Only
Sector Advocacy Project – Definitions and Frameworks
Ensuring stability amid rapid industry change.