Penny Mulvey
Penny Mulvey has spent most of her career working in Media and International Development. Her current role as Chief Wellbeing and Communications Officer at Bible Society Australia (BSA) has a bit of both of those along with her passion to see people flourishing. Penny is also the Chair of Christian Media and Arts Australia and the Melbourne Prayer Breakfast committee. Prior to joining BSA, Penny was Head of Communications of the Uniting Church Synod of VicTas and the executive editor of Crosslight, the UCA’s monthly newspaper. Penny has also worked for the Anglican Archbishop of Melbourne as his external media consultant; made a weekly radio program for women for 5 years; worked as a journalist for EON FM (now MMM FM), 3AW and Ten Melbourne; worked for World Vision and AngliCORD (travelling to such places as Mozambique, Rwanda, Bangladesh and Romania) and always writing. Including a book on reputation. Penny is a lifelong Christian, has been married to her brilliant husband Peter for 40 years in November; and together they have 3 adult children, two of whom work in the creative fields.