
75 posts
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Conversations with John Anderson
CONNECT Conference

Conversations with John Anderson

Former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia John Anderson talks with Rev. David Ould about some of the remarkable discussions he’s had with prominent commentators from around the world including Douglas Murray, Jordan Peterson, Caroline Cox, Eric Metaxas and many more.
A Lawyer, a Publisher and an A&R Guy Walk into a Bar
CONNECT Conference

A Lawyer, a Publisher and an A&R Guy Walk into a Bar

Now’s your chance to be a fly-on-the-wall to a conversation between giants in the Christian music & entertainment industry. Join Steve McPherson (Hillsong Publishing), Josh Bailey (VP of A&R at Capitol Christian Music Group, Nashville) and Brett Farrell (entertainment lawyer) to learn more.
Viral Content Ecosystems, with Susan Sohn
CONNECT Conference

Viral Content Ecosystems, with Susan Sohn

Susan Sohn is a Social Media Marketing professional and accomplished author. Learn from one of the best, how to achieve exponential reach using digital platforms and content to engage in meaningful ways that develop brand ambassadors, donors and ultimately build and extend our communities?
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