Church Online Disruption, Disillusionment and Diversity: The Future of the Church In a time when society has had to quickly respond to the practical realities of a COVID-19 world, churches have had to pivot, too.
News New Study Reveals Australians are Spiritually Hungry but Churches Need to Rebuild Trust COVID-19 on top of rising trends of family breakdown, declining mental health and loneliness are key factors in the apparent openness to spirituality in Australians.
Arts A Filmmaker's Need to Create Captures Australian Artists During Lockdown Arts documentary series “Watcha Doin' Today” follows artists during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown.
News New Print Magazine Trying to Combat Millennial ‘Scroll Culture’ It’s not lost on Rachael Lopez that print publications aren’t millennials favoured medium, but she believes 'Soul Tread' meets a vital need.
News Welcome to CMAA's New Website Filled with the latest news, content in the world of Christian Media and Arts, plus added access for CMAA Members.
Webinars Members Only Introduction to Google News Gathering Tools This one hour online workshop teaches skills every media professional needs for reporting in the digital age.
Awards 2020 Awards Finalists Announced The finalists of the 2020 CMAA Excellence in Media Awards have been decided