News Christian Program to Reach Australian Milestone Morning Devotions is about to celebrate 80 years on-air - making it Australia’s Longest-Running Radio Program
News First Australian Responders Deployed to Ukraine Field Hospital The Emergency Field Hospital is equipped to meet critical trauma needs of patients impacted by the conflict.
News WEBINAR: Community Radio Plus App - Pre Launch Everything you need to know about the new Community Radio Plus App to be launched soon.
News Samaritan’s Purse Provides Emergency Relief to Flood Victims Their disaster relief teams are aiding families in the wake of devastating floods that have inundated homes and displaced residents.
News International Women's Day Campaign Against Child Marriage On March 8th, teenagers from across the world are calling on the global community to join them in making a stand against the harmful practice of child marriage.
News The World Unites in Prayer – March 4 In what are increasingly troubled times, the world is about to unite to pray.
News Over 10.5 Million Shoebox Gifts Collected Despite a global pandemic, millions of shoebox packers shared the true meaning of Christmas last year.
News Involved in Community Radio? Give Your Feedback to Win! The CBAA is encouraging feedback from all volunteers and workers in community radio stations by offering the chance to win a $100 GiftPay voucher.
Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019 CMAA Diversity Policy PreambleChristian Media and Arts Australia Limited (CMAA) represents and serves the needs of Christian broadcasters, content and culture makers. CMAA…
Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019 CMAA Privacy Policy This privacy policy discloses the privacy practices for Christian Media and Arts Australia Limited (CMAA) (including the Christian Media &…
Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019 CMAA Complaints Policy If you have a complaint…We’d love to help solve it.We're pleased to say that it’s not…
News Bible Society's 5th Year of Bibles for Bubs Giveaway Bibles For Bubs is open again for babies born in 2021, and available to the first 2,000 registrations.