Adam Holland has been announced as the new CEO for Open Doors Australia, serving the persecuted church.
Open Doors Australia has stepped into a new season in 2023 as they announce the appointment of a new CEO, Adam Holland.
Adam, who previously served as Open Doors’ chief operations officer, has been acting in the CEO position for the last few months. The chair of the board for Open Doors, Philip Pogson, says the appointment comes after “much prayer and an extensive recruitment process”.
Adam has held senior and executive roles in local government and Christian non-profits for the last 15 years, including nine years as an executive director at Compassion Australia.
He holds a Bachelor (Hons) in Philosophy from Macquarie University, a Masters in Information and Knowledge Management from UTS, and completed studies in Nonprofit Management at Harvard Business School, Boston.
On his appointment Adam spoke of his passion for the Biblical mandate to support our persecuted brothers and sisters in the faith.
“The ministry of Open Doors is extraordinary, and grows directly out of a biblical understanding of persecution and the cost of following Jesus,” says Adam. “I am thankful to lead Open Doors and our incredible team into the future.”
Open Doors encourages Christians to pray for Adam and his family, and for the organisation to have an even greater impact in strengthening the persecuted church.
Adam, his wife Amanda and four children worship and serve at Narara Valley Baptist Church.
Feature image: Adam Holland