NEXUS: Developing Future Ready Leaders

NEXUS: Developing Future Ready Leaders

We're ready to welcome the next generation of leaders for 2025!

NEXUS is a leadership program over 9 months incorporating face to face retreats, personal leader to leader coaching and more.  The program is tailored to  your leadership season - whether you are a seasoned leader or someone just beginning your leadership journey.  NEXUS is delivered through the lenses of emotional, cultural and generational intelligence.

Whether you're an executive, manager or young emerging leader - NEXUS is for you.

Registrations for the 2025 Program Are Now Extended

For those wanting more effective leadership, and keen for themselves and their teams to be ready for the future, then NEXUS is the Leadership Development Program that will shape you and your team for a new era.

Enjoy cutting edge training facilitated by experts, enjoy group activities, mentoring and coaching - all delivered through the lens of faith.


Registrations now close Friday 24th January 2025

Please note: A minimum of 10 participants are required for the program to run in 2025. If the total number of registrations does not meet minimum numbers, CMAA reserves the right to postpone the program to a future start date.

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