New Australian Framework for Measuring Media Diversity

New Australian Framework for Measuring Media Diversity

CMAA's submission into the ACMA's Consultation Paper has been received and published.

In December 2020, the ACMA released a research paper outlining a potential ‘news measurement framework’ that could help monitor levels of diversity and localism across Australia’s print, radio, TV and online news media landscape.

While initially released as a ‘think piece’, the government has asked the ACMA to recommence work on this project.

CMAA has responded to their call for public views on both the construction of the framework and its suitability for use in Australia ahead of the finalisation and potential implementation of the ACMA’s news measurement framework. It is hoped that our feedback from this process will also guide any further ACMA measurement activities and decisions around broader implementation.

The outputs of the news measurement framework are intended to contribute to the government’s News Media Assistance Program (News MAP) – providing a robust evidence base to help support policy interventions and inform longer-term considerations on media reform issues, including potential changes to media diversity rules.

Read CMAA's Response Here

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