Interactive Platform Enables Messages of Hope

Interactive Platform Enables Messages of Hope

Australians can now encourage those struggling with food insecurity, by sending a video message of hope.

To help Australians respond to the current global food crisis, Compassion Australia has launched an interactive story platform, encouraging us to share a message of hope with those who are most affected.

A moving and uplifting new interactive experience called ‘Messages of Hope’ enables users to send video messages of encouragement to people living in poverty.

The site also gives families, workers and volunteers on the frontline of the crisis an opportunity to send videos back, showing a real glimpse into the everyday challenges vulnerable people around the world are facing.

Many videos have already been uploaded from people facing hunger in nations like Sri Lanka, Haiti and Burkina Faso, sharing a little about how the food crisis is impacting them and their communities. And many Australians have responded by uploading messages of hope and prayer.

Indujan, a young student from Sri Lanka, says in his message "Ourselves, our families and neighbours are affected a lot by this economic crisis. We are unable to do our studies in a proper manner. Children are affected by malnutrition. During times like this, thankyou very much for giving us nutritious food packs."

In the last two years, the number of people facing acute food insecurity has more than doubled - from 135 million to 345 million. ‘Acute food insecurity’ means their lives are at risk, right now. The Messages of Hope site is designed to help those who are suffering in these ways, to feel less alone.

Making the Crisis More Real

Above: Compassion Australia's 'Messages of Hope' website. 

Josie Corben, head of art direction at Compassion Australia, said the interactive site helps to make the crisis more real to everyday Australians.

“It’s easy to share the scale of a crisis in numbers,” she said. “It’s harder, but much more meaningful, to do so by sharing the words of those directly affected.

“This website is an innovative way to engage with the real stories of those facing the global food crisis and learn more about this complex issue. Hope can be one of the first things a person loses during a time of crisis, and this is the chance to help restore it.

“Australians can help by reminding their global neighbours that they are not alone. In 90 seconds, you can record a message for a mother who is struggling to feed her children or a worker on the frontline supporting families.

“We are doing this work because of who Jesus is and His love for the vulnerable. Not everyone can donate with financial sponsorship, but a few words of encouragement offers real hope at a time of crisis.”

The hope-building initiative is designed to work hand in hand with the practical work that Compassion’s local church partners are doing to meet peoples’ physical and food needs.

Australians can send a message of hope by uploading a short video message to those impacted by the global food crisis now.

“I have someone abroad who cares for me,” says nine-year-old Noe from Togo. “I had no one before, but now I have someone.”

To arrange an interview or learn more, please contact Andrew Marsh

About Compassion

Compassion is an international Christian child development charity with 70 years’ experience working with children living in poverty. More than 126,000 children are connected with Australian sponsors through Compassion Australia, and at present more than 2 million children attend Compassion’s church-based projects in over 25 countries around the world.

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