New book shares advice for hiring in a Christian organisation, written by seasoned professionals.
If you’re ever hired the wrong person, or struggled to choose from a mixed bag of interviewees, you’ll appreciate the expert wisdom in Hire Right, First Time.
The new book is geared towards anyone involved in hiring in churches, Christian charities, Christian schools and colleges, mission organisations and more.
It’s written by a duo with a working knowledge of both the church and corporate worlds: Reverend Peter Corney, an experienced senior pastor, and seasoned corporate psychologist, Dr Ken Byrne.
Written in an easy-to-follow style, it’s packed with advice on how to make better hiring decisions, and how to avoid expensive mistakes. Real world examples and helpful checklists make the book very practical for a busy manager who needs great advice, fast.

To launch the book, Dr Ken Byrne will be presenting a 30-minute interactive session, "Avoiding the Three Most Common Hiring Mistakes", at Wesley Central Mission in Sydney’s Pitt Street, on Wednesday, April 19. The launch begins at 12 noon and all are welcome.
For RSVP’s and enquiries, email Ken Byrne at