How God’s Ad-Man Overcame Failure and Depression to Fulfil His Calling.

How God’s Ad-Man Overcame
Failure and Depression to
Fulfil His Calling.

Tom Glynn's inspirational story from high school drop-out to successful Advertising Executive battling depression is told in 'God's Ad-Man'.

How do you overcome failure at school, battle through clinical depression, and succeed in the advertising industry which isn’t sympathetic to Christianity?

Tom Glynn found a way. The son of an illegal SP bookmaker, at sixteen, he joined a Sydney advertising agency and later worked for top agencies in Singapore and London despite his on-going wrestle with clinical depression.

Tom’s extraordinary life is honestly written in his biography, “God’s Ad-Man”.

Tom believed Christian organisations could be better communicators and more effective fundraisers if they could harness his experience in the advertising world.

When I became a Christian in my late teens, I believed the principles from advertising could be adapted to Christian organisations and charities,” says Tom. “In 1974 I started Tom Glynn Advertising with two clients, Anglican Home Mission Society (now Anglicare) and Scripture Union”.

To keep up to date and provide income, his Ad agency also had to attract commercial clients, and in the early years Tom was able to serve both Christian ministries and commercial clients despite darkness in his own life.

During this time, I was suffering from clinical depression which was only diagnosed years later when I was thinking of committing suicide - I wrongly  believed it was a mid-life crisis,” explains Tom. “It was a miracle that I kept  going; raising a family, running a business in a very competitive industry and  being involved in my local church”.

Whilst written with the Christian in mind, Tom's book, 'God’s Ad-Man' may appeal  to students thinking of a career in advertising, or people with a depressive illness. It's a story of success and failure, commitment and hope, in business as well as personal life.

Tom says he is hoping that, “Readers will be encouraged to walk their own journey of fulfilment, courage and commitment, in the life God has called them to.”

God’s Ad-Man is available worldwide - click here for more information

For interviews contact: Tom Glynn

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