There is a growing need to advocate for the protection, preservation and enhancement of member’s to freely proclaim the Gospel through media and the arts. We also work with other Christian organisations to shape public policy on issues that impact the church.
The Hon. Michelle Rowland, Minister for Communications, has commended the Christian community sector for being “socially responsive, valued and an important pillar in the media landscape.”
Among our wins in the past 12 months, CMAA has played a key role in influencing the Religious Freedoms narrative, seeing changes to the regulatory frameworks for Community Radio in Australia and draft changes to the ACMA Not For Profit Guidelines.
Advocacy has been funded for the past 3 years by a grant that ends during 2023. Required funding for the next three years is as follows. Give or Pledge Now.

New Research
Commencing in 2024, CMAA plans to conduct a new round of research for the following 2 years, including the second Social Impact of Christian Media Study that received much interest from government and Christian leaders.
Research is critical to help communicators discover and refine how to best engage the greatest number of people.
Required funding for the 2024 Research Project: Give or Pledge Now.

Media Training
Members Live FM, YWAM Townsville, Hope Media Brisbane and Sydney stations have developed a NEW Certificate III Media Training Program for online users.
CMAA aims to film the course for individuals & media organisations. Unlike other courses available, this includes important training in Christian worldview communication.
Required funding to film the Cert III course and make available through online portal. Give or Pledge Now.

M^DE Initiative
This new initiative will support the changing needs of Christian creatives, while driving greater excellence, unity & creativity.
M^DE seeks to:
- Promote the work of artists.
- Build a culture of excellence.
- Help artists and performers to find their local and global community / find their tribe.
Required funding for 3 years: Give or Pledge Now.

NEXUS Scholarships
The Next Generation Media Leadership Project (NEXUS) aims to raise up tomorrow’s leaders in Christian media and the arts. The annual program takes 30 emerging and current leaders through residential retreats, online meetings, leadership coaching and mentoring. The aim is to grow to 80 participants annually by 2027. NEXUS began in 2022-23 through grant funds.
Required scholarship funding: Give or Pledge Now.

Training Fund
Our training scholarships fund provides vital assistance to smaller radio, TV and member-funded organisations, so they can attend CMAA training events and conferences. Some stations operate on a shoestring budget. Your donation will help them build relationships, remain connected, stay abreast of latest tech & regulatory requirements, and join sector-based programs.
Required funding for 3 years: Give or Pledge Now.

Local Governance
The need to increase the level of governance and expertise at a broad strategy level for radio stations has never been more critical. This project involves taking a board through a strategic planning process utilising specific governance software to guide them ask the right questions to ensure they are sustainable and on-mission.
Stations are coached and operate their board meetings using the GovernRight software platform, over an initial six months. Cost per station is $6000. Give or Pledge Now.

Special Underwriting Need…
Conference Underwriting + Business Advertising
Our annual CONNECT Media Conference is an event serving an ever-changing and increasingly broader market of communicators from the education, church and non-profit sectors. The event provides critically important education, relationships and skill development.
A dramatic increase in the cost of conference venue and accommodation since COVID, now amounting to approximately 40% of our annual outgoings poses a significant risk for CMAA. Underwriting of up to $60,000 provides a level of financial comfort given the need to commit to expenditure before we know what revenue from attendees will be.
As a result, CMAA is seeking underwriting of $60,000 per year for the next three years. Give or Pledge Now.

International Opportunity
International Leaders Media Symposium
CMAA has been asked to take the lead in gathering the top 20 global Christian media ministry leaders together for a Symposium to develop more intentional collaboration. Currently there is no intentional international coordination around the Gospel being shared through media. Each invitee will be asked to pay their own way. Budget includes high-level facilitator and their expenses. Give or Pledge Now.

Operations Support
As projects and member services increase, CMAA is in need of a high level operations administrator to support the CEO. Give or Pledge Now.

Get in Touch
To find out more about our work or to set up a time to chat, send an email to CEO Nathan Brown at