Live event for International Women's Day at 11am (AEDT) on March 8th broadcast by Compassion Australia.
As the world commemorates International Women’s Day on March 8, Compassion Australia CEO, Clare Steele, and President and CEO of Compassion Canada, Allison Alley, will engage in a candid conversation about the organisation’s work with women around the world and their hope for the future. The event will be broadcast live on Compassion Australia’s Instagram account on March 8, 11am (AEDT).

The two organisational leaders will explore the work of Compassion with women around the world, discussing the significant challenges facing women in poverty and relating how they foster an environment in which women can flourish in their workplaces.
In the lead up to International Women’s Day, Compassion have been highlighting and celebrating the voices of women around the world by giving a platform to their personal stories via social media. Captivating portraits and insights into the lives of individual women are being shared to encourage people to come together and support women living in the most vulnerable situations across the world.

This year, Compassion is placing a spotlight on raising $31,000 to build a much-needed block of toilets in the city of La Paz in Bolivia. La Paz has one of the highest rates of poverty and population growth in the country. As most families in La Paz do not have adequate access to a sewerage system, urinary tract infections and gastrointestinal diseases are widespread. Even the simplest hygiene practices like washing hands in a timely manner cannot be undertaken due to inadequate facilities. A clean, functioning block of toilets would go a long way in maintaining good hygiene and preventing the spread of disease in this community.
Compassion is calling on all its supporters to rally around the cause and stand together to be a part of a solution more powerful than poverty.

About Compassion Australia:
Compassion is an international child development charity with more than 60 years’ experience working with some of the world’s poorest children. At present, 2.1 million children attend Compassion’s church-based program centres in 25 developing countries. More than 80,000 Australians sponsor a child through Compassion Australia.