Explore outstanding CONNECT24 sessions with speakers and influencers like Hamish & Andy producer CHRIS MARSH, leadership expert DES ONG, clinical psychologist VALERIE LING, strategist & innovator JON BERGMANN, TV personality PETRA BAGUST, social influencer BRIDEY DRAKE, leading Christian charity CEOs, artists TARRYN STOKES and SVRCINA, and more...
Artist Spotlight: Chico Johnson
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Artist Spotlight: Chico Johnson

At CONNECT24 we had the privilege of hearing from some incredible Christian music talents, including R&B artist and youth speaker Chico Johnson.
Keys to On-Air Promotion Success
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Keys to On-Air Promotion Success

Two content directors, a breakfast host and the producer of Australia's audio legends Hamish and Andy, sit down to chat about the secrets to a great promotion.
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