A guide for not-for-profits and charities on fundraising compliance in each State and Territory.
If you are conducting fundraising activities, or planning to do so, you need to understand the fundraising requirements for Australia and how they differ by State.
Informative Guide and Downloads by State / Territory
Justice Connect have a very informative guide to help:

The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) is the national regulator of charities. The resources on this link will help you to know what issues they should look out for. This includes knowing your obligations as well as getting specific state-based advice.
Do you need a licence to fundraise?
Maybe - it all depends on what State you are in. Click the link on your State or Territory below to discover more.
Northern Territory: The Northern Territory doesn’t have legislation that governs fundraising. As a result, people and organisations don’t need an authority to fundraise for charity in the Northern Territory. General fundraising activities, such as fundraising through doorknock appeals, tin collections and clothing bins don’t require a special permit (although they do in many Australian states).
Exception – community gaming activities