Hard work by CMAA has ensured the new Roadmap 2033 keeps Christian media in mind.
Community broadcasting in Australia has a bright future if the sector’s new ‘Roadmap2033’ is anything to go by.
The crucial document was launched on Saturday (October 21) at Blacktown Showground, after months of collaboration among sector members. An initiative of the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia and the Community Broadcasting Foundation, the Roadmap was presented to the Minister for Communications, the Hon Michelle Rowland MP, who spoke at the launch event.
Roadmap2033 outlines the sector's 10-year vision, providing a guidebook for broadcasters and sector organisations to work towards. The aim is to ensure that community broadcasting thrives and continues to be “a cornerstone of Australian culture”.
Radio stations and industry organisations are being encouraged to use the Roadmap to inform their direction and strategies.
The document outlines strategic priorities and objectives, as well as threats an opportunities, and addresses issues such as funding, workforce, innovation, emerging technology and diversity.
An excerpt from the 10-year vision:
“In 2033 our stations are thriving in every way; securely funded and working in partnership, deeply connected to their communities. And communities are stronger for it…Our workforce and our content reflects the rich diversity of Australian society.”
Input by Christian Media Sector

Roadmap 2033 is the culmination of months of consultations, workshops, surveys, and the sector congress.
CMAA’s CEO Nathan Brown, along with board member and head of advocacy Stephen O’Doherty, made significant contributions to the Roadmap’s development.
Their input ensured that the faith based and Christian media sectors were kept in mind, and Nathan said they are pleased with the final outcome.
“To have successfully captured the diversity of the community radio sector within this strategic plan is a testament to the hard work of many,” he said. “Some language in here was fought hard for by Stephen and I – and it’s good to see it land in the right place for our sector.”
Learn more by downloading the Roadmap below.
Main image: Community broadcasting industry representatives at the sector congress where Roadmap 2033 was developed.