89.9 TheLight Makes an Impact on Melbourne's Mental Health

89.9 TheLight Makes an Impact on Melbourne's Mental Health

Experts shared wisdom and advice for mental health and wellbeing at 89.9 TheLight's 'Relate' event.

Melbourne’s 89.9 TheLight stepped outside the walls of the studio to make a tangible impact on the city’s wellbeing last week, at their inaugural Mental Health event, ‘Relate’ on October 15 and 16.

The two-evening, free event, designed to “equip people to live life better”, featured speakers specialising in different areas of mental health and wellbeing. They included:

  • Craig Harper, a leading presenter, writer and educator in the areas of health, resilience, and personal transformation.
  • Dr Danny Cheah, a child and adolescent psychiatrist who leads a team of 130 clinicians and conducts mental health training for churches;
  • Anxiety specialist Dr Jodi Richardson, founder of Happier on Purpose, presenter of the podcast Well Hello, Anxiety, and co-creator of the Parenting Anxious Kids online course.

The speakers touched on topics such as how to support someone with mental health challenges; knowing when to give advice and when to listen; setting goals for personal transformation; and fulfilling more of your potential.

Participants responded with positive feedback after the night of inspirational and informative speakers, saying it was an “incredible night”, and that they came away “so encouraged”.

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