Rhema Newcastle Celebrates Local 'Unsung Heroes'

Rhema Newcastle 99.7FM has launched a campaign called ‘Shine A Light’, aimed at celebrating the everyday unsung heroes in their local community.

The station is calling on listeners to nominate those who selflessly give of themselves to benefit others, often without reward or recognition.

“These ‘unsung heroes’ could be family, neighbours, volunteers, teachers, frontline workers, leaders, or everyday people who embody what it means to live for others,” CEO Ben Kiujian said.

Nominations already received include, Peter “a selfless father of 7 children and 21 grandchildren, always there to lend a hand and never thinking of himself”, as well as Suzie, “an unsung hero for her gift of service at Soul Hub [a charity supporting the homeless], several days a week”.

Ben explained that the campaign intends to spread a ‘ripple effect’ of kindness in the community.

“The ‘Shine a Light’ campaign is an opportunity to publicly honor these remarkable individuals who make Newcastle a better place for everyone,” Ben said. “By highlighting their contributions, we hope to inspire others to engage in acts of kindness and community service, fostering a stronger and more connected community.

“When we recognize and celebrate efforts of those who go above and beyond, we not only uplift individuals but also create a ripple effect that encourages others to contribute positively to the community.”

“At Rhema 99.7 we are here to speak life to the Hunter and beyond and this new initiative is one way we can add light and hope to the wider community.”

Nominations can be submitted via the entry form on the Rhema website. The nominations will then be shared on the Fresh Start morning program with Aaron and Chloe.

In conjunction with the campaign, Rhema Newcastle is also hosting a movie screening of “Unsung Hero” at Event Cinemas Kotara on May 29th. Nominated ‘Unsung Heroes’ will have their names listed on an ‘honour wall’ displayed on the big screen. Tickets to the screening can be purchased via the Rhema website.