Help Save Christian Schools and SRE's Tax Deductible Status

Your voice is urgently needed now, to help halt a plan that would remove Tax Deductible Giving from faith-based schools and SRE (scripture in schools).

This plan is part of the Productivity Commission's draft recommendations to the Government—and the ramifications are massive. That's why thousands of volunteer Scripture teachers, Christian schools, and affected charities, are calling on the community to have their say.

It's easy and it's free - all you need to do is make a comment. (Get ideas from example comments)

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What's It All About?

Tax deductible giving, or ‘DGR Status’, is what enables private schools, including faith-based schools, to successfully fundraise and keep their school fees affordable. It's also what enables scripture classes to keep operating in thousands of schools across the country.

The Productivity Commission has recommended that DGR status be removed from both of these areas.

If the government removes tax deductibility, it will have a profound impact on the ability of low-fee, faith based schools to raise much-needed funds, which is what makes school fees affordable for most families. It will also drastically affect the fundraising of vital SRE programs that are vital for student resilience and wellbeing.

If the Government accepts these recommended changes, then up to 5,000 charities across Australia will no longer be able to offer their donors tax deductible giving in key areas.

You can help stop this change.

Please act now, by leaving a comment, up to 500 words, by February 9th.

Send a Comment

The deadline is February 9th.

See Example Comments You Can Use

Comments and submissions are needed in their thousands, so that the government receives a clear message from the faith communities. (If you represent an organisation you can also lodge a 'letter of submission'.)  

Learn More About the DGR Review