A Bag of Seeds Can Change a Family’s Future This Christmas

As Australians prepare for Christmas this year, Compassion is urging us to consider helping those living in poverty, by making a purchase from its ‘Gifts of Compassion’ catalogue.

Around the world, millions are facing food insecurity, and the catalogue enables regular Aussies to make a real difference for families suffering due to the international food crisis.

Gifts range from $15 to $15,000, and include things such as bags of seeds, clean water, vocational training, dental care, safe homes, baby essentials kits, and care for expectant mums.

Clare Steele, CEO at Compassion Australia, said “Gifts of Compassion not only provides an alternative way to give to loved ones, but also reminds us that even in the face of the world’s most difficult challenges, small acts of generosity can really change the reality for people living in poverty.”

“As a parent, I love that it also provides an opportunity to teach our kids this principle in a tangible way.”

Global Food Crisis is Not Over

Clare explained that the global food crisis is far from over, with extreme weather events, the war in Ukraine, and inflation, driving up food costs and leading to supply shortages around the world.

”More than 238 million people are still facing acute food insecurity—which means they haven’t eaten for a day or more.”

“Giving the gift of food security means families are provided with food packages and are equipped to establish a sustainable supply of food in the long term.

For 13-year-old Nirjoy and his family who live in Bangladesh’s northeast, the simple gift of a bag of fruit and vegetable seeds was the turning point for his family’s livelihood. Through Gifts of Compassion, they received high-quality seeds to help them increase the yields of their vegetable garden, their only source of income.

Now, thanks to the income from their produce, the family has cleared all their loans, repaired their house, and are saving for the future. All these changes started with a bag of seeds!

Each gift from the Gifts of Compassion catalogue includes a beautiful card that describes the impact it makes, which you can give to a loved one.

To explore the catalogue or learn more head to Gifts of Compassion.