Annabel Weaver, Digital Assistant and Content Producer
In her role as Digital Assistant and Content Producer, Annabel keeps our members supplied with social graphics and web content, and supports the CMAA team with graphic design, video editing and writing.
What drew you to this role at CMAA?
Having worked with a good handful of Christian ministries that are on the ground serving the unchurched, it is such a privilege and an exciting prospect to work in a ministry that serves other ministries.
What's something unexpected you’ve learnt working in the Christian Media & Arts sector?
The thing that has surprised me the most is the gravity and weight of Christian Media and Arts in Australia—there would be an enormous gap if all the Christian creative outlets disappeared tomorrow. I've also seen the enormity of God's power and grace. There is most certainly salvation and revival as a result of Christian Media and Arts in Australia.
If you could host a podcast on any topic you like, what would it be about?
If you know me in person, you know that I talk A LOT. I also ramble a lot about nothing in particular, A LOT. So, I suppose my podcast would be just that: Nothing In Particular—a discussion of love, pop culture, books, music, my wild and wacky theories, and much more—by a girl in her 20s who loves Jesus and is just figuring it out.
What are you currently reading?
I read LOTS and actually run a book club, so I’ve got plenty of recommendations! I’ve just finished reading First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston, and I’m about to start something from my long list of unread books—I'm not yet sure which one!
…listening to?
Lots of classical music—I’m a bit of a nerd in that regard.
9-1-1 on Disney+—I’m a sucker for a medical drama!
What’s something people would be surprised to know about you?
I have so many of these fun facts! I used to do Highland dancing, I was an avid debater in high school, my favourite flower is a Dahlia, I am teaching myself to reupholster, I still have my very first car… I could go on!
What’s something you still want to tick off your bucket list?
So many things! The one that springs to mind is that I’d love to go on a hot air balloon ride!